we move like swing sets

Yeah, I had him be vague about it cuz I kinda figured it would be best not to mention Beppe too much, since you guys were threading. :] Aaaaand I apologize for sucking so much with this. 419

The woman expressed interest in making a visit to his home, and his own smile brightened in response. "Lo non vedrò l'ora di." he chimed. He would have tell his sisters of this meeting once he returned home. Certainly they would look forward to meeting another soul from their home lands. This woman would undoubtedly be welcome to call upon the pack of Dreamers should she ever find herself in the area.

She appeared quite eager to reveal that she had come here along with her husband, and Ehno smiled at the image of a happy traveling couple in his head. "Ciò è meraviglioso." She was lucky to have someone she loved by her side while first arriving in these strange lands, quite unlike the Marino siblings. Though Ehno’s own lonely wandering through Nova Scotia was short lived before fate was kind enough to guide him to his sister’s door step, it was still rather daunting to find himself alone in a place so far from home.

But Ehno’s thoughts could not linger on the topic for long, as the woman quickly added an introduction, something that had completely slipped the minds of the two chatty Italians up until now. He now had a name to go along with the face of this friendly stranger, but the familiarity of part of the name caused his amiable smile to falter momentarily. Russo. It was hard to keep thoughts of his father from surfacing in his mind after hearing that name, and those old memories always had a way of dampening his usually upbeat moods. The Marino man tried to shake off the unpleasant feelings, forcing the smile back to his lips for his own introduction. "Mi chiamo Ehno Marino. Piacere, Sonja." Despite his faltering a moment before, the words were genuine and rolled easily from his tongue.

But that haunting name continued to flutter within his thoughts. Such a pleasant woman couldn’t possibly have anything to do with that bastard back home in Monti Sabini, right? Yet there was the shared name, her origins in Italy… It was the undeniable possibility of a connection between them that glued the uneasiness to the forefront of his mind. "Uh… Russo, lei dice?" An awkward pause followed as Ehno tried to piece together his next question. "Lei non succederebbe sapere un Serge Russo?" he finally managed to ask, unable to keep a bit of the distaste from his voice when mentioning his father’s name. Way to go ruining an otherwise pleasant encounter, Ehno.

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