Leaps and Bounds
The sound of amused laughter echoed from the trees as Ty stepped into the clearing. The orange wolf had been doing what he normally did during the day with his time, trying to keep an eye on and protect the Valley and it's inhabitants, making sure everyone was safe and secure. Ty was one of the few warrior wolves besides Pendzez and Jefferson who lived in the Valley, so it would be a rather easy target if not for those three and their constant vigilance of the Valley, Ty only wanted to do his part. He had finally come to terms with living in the Valley as a protector, accepting that his greatest tribute to the pack was to be a fighter for their protection, trying to better himself for the sake of the pack he was now in after joining almost 9 months ago. He now accepted he was a defender of the Valley, one of the few who were, as many called it the pack of outcasts and dreamers, which wasn't exactly a war clan title. Since the war had started between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni, he had been more vigilant during the day for any intruders that might stir up trouble in the Valley, as Jefferson clearly stated that they were not to get involved with the war.

However, Ty's patrols turned up something that he did not expect, a small pup who had ended up in the middle of nowhere. He had watched the pup from a distance for a second before the smell of Pendzez and Xeris pierced his nostrils. It was obvious that this was their son, a rambunctious and confident youth playing make believe in the forest. Though with his mother and father nowhere to be seen a small hint of worry crossed Ty's face. Were they not watching him? How had the child gotten out this far without knowing? He then noted to himself that it was none of his affair and pressed on, though he would want to talk to Pendzez and Xeris about this.

Nevertheless, when Ty had gotten closer the child's courage had almost disappeared since he had made noise. He hadn't meant to laugh at the sudden change in the boy's character, but it was amusing to Ty how quickly he had changed from hero to child. Nevertheless, he spoke with a friendly and cheery tone, though his words were certainly poking fun at the young pup. "Well, quite a brave wolf you are, out here all alone, defending us from our enemies!" He said with a friendly chuckle, "I'm certain the Valley will be safe with a warrior like you protecting her!" After another breif snicker Ty stepped out fully into the clearing with a friendly wag of his tail, trying to make sure the boy would know he was a friend. Though probably his size and the scars on his body were not helping, Ty had to be careful about not scaring the boy out of his wits.

"Don't worry kiddo, I'm a friend of you mother and father's, you should probably tell now that I smell of Phoenix Valley." He stated as he approached cautiously, not wanting the child to suddenly take off into the woods, which he would if Pendzez had taught him anything about strangers. His tail continued to wag as he spoke again. "My name is Ty Trenton Nasphrite, I'm a part of the pack here. He said, proceeding to look around in the location of the forest. His golden-blue colored eyes then darted back to the child and he asked, "My my, you're a long way from your home kid, how did you end up here all by yourself?"

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