The sky's on fire - finished

OOC: Slight PP with Emwe, if it's not ok let me know and I'll adjust it. ^^ And hurrrr I fail for totally forgetting that graveyard thread, derp-de-derrrrrr...<3

It wasn't long before others arrived to answer Conor's plea for help. The only other face the girl recognized was that of Emwe, and only just barely, as he was Conor's brother and the other resident son of the chocolate Rosen. The boy in lupine form wasted no time, and Bris' question as to the closest water source was silently answered by his actions. However, before she could spring after him, Conor began giving out instructions. The Stormbringer's mismatched eyes watched the young male closely, her head nodding in affirmation that she understood what was needed. As Conor shifted into his secui form for his portion of the fight, Bris ran quickly to Emwe and traded him her empty bucket for his filled one.

The fire was spreading quickly, eating away at the timber of the closely-bunched buildings. The wind was working violently against them, trying to push the fire toward each subsequent building. After that, it would eventually end up in the trees, and Bris knew instinctively that if that happened it would become an unstoppable force of fury. Their little team had to put out the flames and keep the fire contained before it incinerated all of Dahlia de Mai. Working against it in the fashion ordered by Conor became almost a rhythmic dance. Trade buckets, dash water, trade buckets, dash water, look for another vulnerable spot, trade buckets, dash went on like a well-rehearsed dance in Bris' mind. Hopefully the five Dahlians were not too late.

Table by Kiri/Jenny!

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