First time I broke my collarbone
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sounds good! and thanks ^^ sorry for the wait! 300+

     Cambria waited, hoping that the other would begin to wake up. Within a few moments it seemed she was rousing and she heaved a sigh of relief. She really wasn't sure what she would have done if the older wolf hadn't woken up. It would have meant a very serious injury that she was not able to treat. She could have gone off to find Dawali, but then she would have had to leave the golden fey and that would not have been a good idea at all. Finally eyes to match the woman's fur slowly opened and blinked and it was clear that her vision was fuzzy. "I think you must have fallen from up there. I was walking by and saw you. My name is Cambria and I live in Crimson Dreams. I'm learning to be a healer, so maybe I can help you." At least she hoped she would be able to. First she needed to find out exactly what injuries she had sustained.

     The woman moved to sit up and it was clear she wasn't stable, her muscles shaking. "Be careful, your body's been through a lot, it's probably best if you stay laying down right now." Cambi wasn't good at being bossy, but her tone was kind with some force behind it. It wasn't an order, but a fairly strong suggestion. The last thing the stranger needed was to exacerbate her injuries by moving around too quickly. Her eyes searched over her form, looking for the what was hurting her but she was distracted by another question, a bit of panic edging into the other's voice. "No, I didn't see any horse. Was he with you before you fell?" She wasn't in optime form, so it was safe to assume she at least hadn't been riding the horse when this happened. Hopefully the large animal was safe and sound, but still, the woman's well being was more important right now.

     Looking again she noticing some blood seeping down her neck and her gaze moved up to find a substantial gash on the back of her head. Grimacing Cambria began to dig through her pack for the necessary supplies. "You've got a pretty serious cut on the back of your head. I'm going to need to clean it and stitch it up." Thank gods she'd started to carry her medical supplies around with her. It would have been awful to come across such a situation without them.


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