for all that i've blessed

Pink might not be the most appropriate color for this thread, but I thought the lyrics kinda fit, plus Jennytable for Jennythread is gut X3 500+

The girl's thoughts were still heavy and weighed down by the two big topics that had managed to overshadow the rest of her existence: her uncle and Mati. Though proportionately, the issue with Mati was hanging much larger in her view than the one with her uncle. Partly because this one was fresher, but it was more than that she knew. Yes, she was terribly hurt by what Ehno had done, but the hurt with Mati was entirely different. Cambria liked her, liked her a lot as she had discovered, and she had actually managed to tell the Church fey this and put herself out there and just when it seemed like something might actually happen it had fallen apart instead. The Marino girl couldn't think of a time where she had felt more foolish as she had standing there awkwardly in Mati's room. She still thought of the painting sometimes, and wondered if it were finished or if it had been left to sit there and collect dust. Even if Mati had tried to come and find her to tell her it was done, she had done a very good job of avoiding the other female completely. Wanting to not see two members of your pack made you quite adept at staying unseen.

She hadn't seen Mati at all, hadn't even allowed the possibility to happen, but she hadn't been quite so lucky with her uncle. They'd crossed paths a couple times and he had tried to be amiable, but she hadn't given him the chance and had moved on as quickly as she could. What could he even possibly say to make things alright? While she had been wallowing in depression he had gone off and slept with the woman who had caused all her pain. In Cambria's mind it was a selfish, inexcusable act. She wasn't the only one who had been hurt by it either, it affected the whole family to varying degrees, she was simply the epicenter of all the pain he had wrought. Great sorrow and terrible anger mixed equally in her chest at the thought of it.

At the moment her mind was fairly blank, as she slowly climbed the stairs, recounting her healing supplies in her head. Did she need to weave some more bandages? Did she need to get more seed for Enzo on her next visit to AniWaya? Did she need to go to the city to find some more rubbing alcohol? These were the questions that filled her head and her gaze was stuck on the ceiling until she began to trot down the hallway and noticed there was someone else there. When her sea foam eyes finally laid upon the wolf that stood near her room the girl froze and her body went uncomfortably rigid. Jaw clamped tightly shut and as much as she wanted to turn tail and flee she couldn't find the will in her to do it. Cambria just stood there, silent as the grave and still as a stone statue.


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