Lower Then Deep

Yay!! <3 500+ words.

     "Come, we'll go to my house and I will see what I can do about trying to fix it for you," he said reassuringly, rising and holding some of her things for her still. He did not know if he would be able to fix it for her, but he would certainly try if it might help her feel better. It was not fitting for their to be tears and worry in her pretty violet eyes, and though he hardly knew her, he could not allow her to stay upset. The doggish man remained silent while they walked as he led the way to to the seafoma green house that he had grown to love as his home. Vigilante opened the door for her and then led the way down the hall to the bedroom he had fashioned into a workshop of sorts. He was careful to shut the door behind them, in the case that Kable or Amaranth were there. They were older now, but he still did not like the idea of them possibly getting hurt in there. He would not forgive himself.

     As he allowed Mati to make herself comfortable in the room, Vigilante took the broken pieces of them frame from her and placed them on the desk, one of the few human furnishings he had left in the room when he had redone it. The bed had been moved into the other bedroom before Ayita and her children had moved in, and that had proved useful. The Constable busied himself looking through one of the drawers, looking for some of the nails he had found. He did not work with wood much, but he assumed with would be a bit different than working with metal. Using fire, for example, would not do well when working with the wood, as he expected that it would only set the wood on fire. The metal, however, was made pliable with heat. It would take a bit of thought to determine how would be best to fix the frame for her, but he was willing to give it every effort that he could.

     Resurfacing with a handful of nails and a small hammer, Vigilante straightened, moving back to the desk and placing them on its hardened surface. He studied the separate pieces with interest, lifting them to place them together. He wanted to see how they were supposed to fit together, as it would not be acceptable to attach them in the wrong places. Lifting his gaze to look at her, he decided to press further about what else was bothering her. "What is it that happened with your friend?" He could not claim to be an expert about anything, but he was hoping that he might be able to help her in more than one way. It seemed more than likely that it was the problem with her friend that was upsetting her more than the broken frame, though he did not know that the two upsetting problems were related.


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