love, reign over me

Interesting definition. xD ♥ 300+ words.

     Princess knew she had not always felt so confused about her life, and it seemed to have started after her brother arrived in the area. Everything had been simple after they hard argued about her searching for their mother. She had gone to live in Dahlia de Mai and had led a seemingly happy (as long as she did not anger her mother by doing or saying something Tokyo did not like) life for those few months. Then her brother had come here and she had been confused again. Princess was not unhappy that he had been here. It had been nice to be with him, while it lasted, and she probably would not have met Haven if she had not come to live in Crimson Dreams, since it had seemed to be so soon after the change. Still, she longed for a time when she was not so lost and everything seemed simple.

     Maybe this was a step in that direction. "Thank you," she said simply. There was nothing else that she could think of to say, as she knew it was what she was going to do. Princess had wanted to be with him for quite some time, and though things had kept them apart, she had a chance to make them different now. Hearing the permission coming from his mother and her pack's subleader also made things better. Princess did not want anyone to feel as though she had abandoned Crimson Dreams, as the pack meant too much to her. Before she could act on Anu's advice, though, the Chance woman knew that she needed to talk to Savina. The ebony woman deserved to know what was going on, especially after everything she had done for Princess. She hoped that Haven would have her. "I know that he was hurt before, by... Si?" She paused, hoping she had the name correct. "I'm not going to hurt him, ever," she vowed.


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