Where do you go when you're blue?

Getting a good supply of plants sometimes took a while. You had to start collecting, then find someplace to store them at. It would probably take him a little while to get really into being an Apothecary, because it took a while to get up a dependable supply of each herb from the different seasons. Naniko had enough that she could give him a fair amount of each one, but those would run out soon enough.

"Raised living on plants? Wow. I don't know if I could have survived--you don't look skinny to me!" She looked him over. "But I suppose you eat other things now? Hmmm. I wonder. You can get protein from things other than meat, I've heard...like from certain kinds of nuts. Did you eat a lot of those?" She was genuinely interested; she had never heard of anything like this before. They reached the cave and she followed him in, sitting down beside him and the bag. He pulled the drawstring and opened it, and she reached in and took out a few of the jars, setting them on the ground.

"They're basic herbs--probably some of the same ones you've got--but I've added a couple of other elements to make them stronger. I found that different parts of each plant can have either a stronger or weaker effect, so I looked for the strongest part of the plants and mixed them together to make Super-Herbs." She wondered about where she'd get some paper to write things down, though...she hadn't brought any of that with her. Or anything to write with, either.

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