Curiosity?Or trouble?(joining)

Yes, the birth year should be included, please Smile And; the length of a post isn't "set" in our rules, but; we do like to think that it should be a sizeable paragraph, and an acceptable post length should be somewhere between 180-200 words or more Smile
You should post once more here, and then we're done! Smile

Word Count: 319

She blinked at him, seemingly still frightened by his presence. Ah, well sometimes it couldn't be helped, though he would continue to avoid frightening her further. Stating her skills, he nodded; It would be good for Nayati to have someone to train. There were few that took the hunting path in the tribe; most hunted for themselves and left some pieces for the rest of them, small rodents and rabbits and the like. The tribe certainly needed more dedicated hunters. He studied her pose as she stated she was a luperci, as if looking for the presence of this ability in her body. It was strange; he had assumed she could not shift, because often, those who could, showed up here in that form. Often, not always. He nodded at this as well; it was good for her. Life in this tribe could prove somewhat difficult if one lacked hands, or lacked the will to shift into the two-legged form. Wordlessly, he studied her for a longer moment than he usually did, well aware of the effect this might have on her.

"Very well," he said, finally. "You can stay here with us, Friskia." He turned halfway and pointed in the direction she would find the village. "Most of us live close by each other in the village that way. You can choose to make your den there, or elsewhere if you want; that's up to you." He smiled gently at her before turning back, and a little further; he was not headed that way, but along the borders once more. "Call if you need anything." Nodding his head as if signalizing his departure, he smiled again before walking away calmly. The day was young and if Friskia made her way to the village she would likely find all the things she needed. She did not need him right then, band his border patrolling was not an optional activity.

Awesome sexy table by Kat! Smile

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