Do you believe in something?


She felt so lost. Her mind racing with thoughts that she had wanted to quiet and forget. But they were too strong, the feelings too powerful for her to even understand. She had felt like she was searching in the dark ever since she had seen Cambri that first day she had injured her hand. The other female's kindness, and the way she looked at Mati, the soft way she touched her trembling hand with no fear and only focus, the sweet words of consoling and comfort. All of it had sent the once confident and collected artist onto an unseen path. But that was no longer her true barrier. With the advice from her new friend, and putting the thoughts and cares of others aside Mati had grown to understand her emotions to the point where she could go and seek Cambria. She would and stop being the coward that the small fragile woman had made her.

Though the Church woman simply felt as if she had already lost her. The scent still lingered, growing stronger. A rustle in the surrounding wood, a glimpse perhaps. No, it was her imagination. The desire to see the chocolate young woman, and to make amends were putting images into her mind. And yet Mati followed the sound, following her mind's playful tricks. She spoke her name again, and it tasted as if tainted with salty tears, "Cambria?" She was here, Mati knew it. The presence that she had felt the moment Cambi had stepped into her room and fallen under her gaze was seeping into her chest, sending her heart sound skyward and pounding deep into her ears. Paws stepped over a tree root, eyes falling to the ground and Mati paused. Purple gaze closed, knowing that the other female was just beyond the next turn.

Her courage faltered, the sounds of her own breathing coming slightly rushed and her throat swallowing hard. The woman's stomach knotted, wondering one massive 'what if'. What if Cambria wanted nothing to do with her? How would Mati take the rejection that she was almost certain was coming her way? Knowing would never be as worst as not knowing, just as Vigilante had said. Never attempting would make her wonder for the rest of her life. This was too powerful and moving to simply forget. The tall female stepped forward, turning the corner that the large tree created in the path and letting her eyes settle on the wolfess that stood immobile beyond it's trunk. The sight of her, after so much time, made Mati tumble into the unknowing that she had once felt. But it was not half as frightful, yet... Cambi's face spoke volumes. "I'm sorry." she said, the words no longer holding the dam that all her guilt had collected within. It was written on her face now, the plea for forgiveness, the need to explain. "I didn't mean to startle you." She added, covering her first uncontrolled sentence. With all the sadness and the unhappiness Mati felt when she thought that Cambi surely hated her, the mere sight of the other female made a meek, troubled smile come to her face.

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