Guarding the gates
Baby I've been here before

Here we go!

I know this room, I've walked this floor

The ebony wolfess was not one to cross boundaries lightly; she rarely moved from either her home territory or one of the mutual territories. But this morning had dawned on a Hanna that was angry for a myriad of reasons, the least of which was the sorry state of the packs upon her return. Wishing to relieve herself of some of her anger, the female had set out with little more than her knives at her waist, with merely a belt to hold them. She'd not even bothered to place clothes on her naked Optimus body, in case she needed to shift quickly. Mounting a rise, the female spotted another wolf atop another hill, and something within her snapped.

Removing the belt from her waist, Hanna shoved her six foot, three inch frame hastily into the smaller frame that relied on four legs to move, and bolted up the hill towards him. All the anger she possessed was forced into her attack, all the hurt and sadness she had, in an effort to relieve it once and for all. Had there been a prey animal nearby, she'd have gone for it, but as the wolf was the first thing she saw, it bore the brunt of her rage.

In hindsight, Hanna would wonder what on Luna's earth possessed her to go after such a one as Skoll. The male's face was a patchwork of fur and scars, and he was missing an ear. Furthermore, the male had scars rending the rest of his body from who-knew how many battles. And by Luna, he was HUGE! But the female bunched her muscles like coiled springs and flew at him, teeth ready for gnawing his other ear off and claws left maybe a little too long, a little too sharp. Her ebony body soared like a bird of prey and she aimed to hit his side, to make her mark.

Oh, how little she knew.


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