S.t.e.p by S.t.e.p
.H.e.l.p. M.e. ? Istabel whirled, large ears flattening against her auburn skull as she stared up at this new stranger. Marigold depths combed him over, from the glyphs branded upon his forearms, to the molten eyes crowned by salt-n-peppered features. His size was intimidating...but, then again, it did not take much when compared to the lithe frame of the Ethiopian Wolfess. Have I trespassed unintentionally? Her slender muzzle lowered towards the earth, and she took a hesitant step back. The action was echoed by the chink-tinking of chains, which in turn brought Istabel up short. Running was useless. Hiding was out of the question.

White-rimmed ears flitted forward. Perhaps...perhaps he could help. She traded a contemplative look between the strange male and the shackles about her narrow wrists. The inclination to shift once again tugged at her senses...but reason yet again won out. She was further encumbered by the imprisoning coils of metal when in her Optime form. Her panic-stricken gaze cooled gradually, coming to rest on the stranger once again. Tentatively, she shuffled forward, regaining the step she'd given in that short-lived retreat. Though poised one ready for flight, Istabel fought the urge and proffered a shackled forearm for his inspection.

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