Gone is the pale hand of winter

<3 Short post is short. Nayati is cute Big Grin
Word Count: -

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

He grinned, showing all teeth in the wide crack across his face. Nayati reacted better than he had hoped for, and he could not help himself but chuckle, knowing very well how that would not help at all. Oh, pride; it was a glorious thing as long as it did not hurt anyone. Dawali was the chief and could get away with all he wanted, but this was not the position he took here; now, he was no chief, but simply Dawali, and as Nayati's friend he could still probably get away with anything. The other male's reaction was quite entertaining, awkwardness wrapping itself firmly around his friend. Suddenly feeling impulsive, Dawali strode over in a flash and took the broom from him. "I'll take that as a yes!" With automatic and experienced movements he swept it once, twice, thrice across the ground at his feet. It was quite obvious that Dawali had done this many times himself, though his face was no less teasing. Stopping his actions, he put the broom in front of him and rested his hands on the top of the shaft all in one movement. Still grinning, Dawali simply looked at the other, waiting for some reaction that would surely entertain him.


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