The things that should've been
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we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

Nocht fled Inferni and the forbidden beach with her thigh flaring in pain and a sick feeling in her stomach, pain, regret and shame all rolled up into one. She didn't turn to see if the coyote followed her, didn't see her attacker pause at the border and smirk after her while she ran like a coward. She should have known better, she should have known and should have listened to Phoenix' warning, but let her curiosity get the better of her. She admonished herself as she ran, favouring her healthy leg, almost doubled over. Her hands found their way to wrap around her belly comfortingly, protectively, as she slowed to a stop and fell up on the beach, bent over. Hiccupping sobs found their way to her throat as she tried to stop herself from crying, bowed until her forehead hit the sand. It wasn't the pain, which she was aware of, but found bearable, which drove her almost to tears, but how completely idiotic she felt. She felt sick at herself for being stupid enough to get into a situation like that. Pushing down on her stomach with her hands, she suppressed the pain, the shame, pushed it down until she felt like she could lift her head and face a world she just wanted to hide from. Nocht knew her wound would need to be tended to however. It wasn't life threateningly serious, but it would most certainly leave an unpleasant scar and if left untended become infected, which would be life threatening. Despite the shame burning merrily in her gut, flaring brighter than the pain in her thigh even, she had no wish to die today.

As she raised her head to stand however she was suddenly overcome with another wish for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She was so concerned with escape, so wrapped up in herself she had been so blind as to not even take into account dangers on the beach. A lone wolf stood a little ways up the beach and even though she discounted him as a threat, taking into account his three-legged status from afar, she felt her face flush and burn warmly underneath her coat as she realised she'd been seen running from Inferni like a complete idiot, falling apart on the beach. The sick feeling in her stomach rose again and she drew a shaking hand over her face, trying to steady her nerves. When it passed over the reassuring shape of her septum curve hanging from her nose she felt another wave of nausea pass over her and thanked whomever cared enough to listen that the coyote had waited long enough to swipe at her flanks as she turned tail to run instead of tearing her piercing from her face.


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