I didn't know you could stop being a God.

It was a gift in a way, the ability to deny so easily, but it always got harder. The thought came at the end of every minute, every second, every word, a repetitious wail that demanded his attention. It was like his mind fracturing again and again where half of him entertained some half-baked, deep conversation about things and concepts he would never remember tomorrow while the other half screamed out that they were all liars and cheats and that the pretending never lasted long enough, never lasted forever. It was a gift in a way, a curse in another. It was easy to be cursed.

He didn't know how Ahren fell asleep, but he remained wide awake with laughter in his head and desperate screaming in his stomach and chest. Red eyes watched the blonde's breathing and he felt like an intruder, someone who wasn't supposed to be there anymore. The pretense was gone; they were no longer talking, and so he didn't belong there anymore. And yet the hybrid lingered, unable to organize his thoughts and unable to look away. A statue, immobile, useless; maybe he would just leave when the other woke up again. However many hours that took.


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