Do you believe in something?
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XP 300+

     Despite the hope that began to slowly fill her she still feared that it was be squashed as it had been the last time. The details and feelings of their last meeting were still vivid in her memory and she remembered the hope that she had had. It had really felt as if Mati had felt similar to her and that perhaps she had been lucky enough to like someone that would and could like her back. There had been tension of course, but she had been certain that it was a good tension that would carry the two females somewhere wonderful. But then Mati had pulled away and all those hopes and dreams had crumbled at her feet and blown away like ash. Cambria wanted to believe that this wouldn't be the case this time, but still she had her reservations. She didn't want to be made the fool again.

     So she watched Mati hesitantly as she took in her response and formulated another of her own. Hesitance and hope fought a battle inside her, one side wishing to err on the side of caution and the other one wanting to take a leap of faith. Cambi didn't know which side to follow. She wanted to believe the hope could be fulfilled this time, but could she really take another blow like the previous one again? She would just have to wait. Wait and see what it was the Church girl had to say to her, what her explanations were. If someone could happen she didn't want to be the one to mess it up this time around.

     As Mati spoke relief washed through her and her hopeful side grew. The Church fey didn't think that she was strange. But that still left one thing to be answered. Did she want her? Did she have any desire to be with her? The Marinio drank the halting words in like an elixir, hoping that they would be the tonic she wished for. She wasn't sure what Mati was confused about, exactly, nor was she sure what it meant to be overwhelming. There was a smile on the other's face, but Cambria had never heard overwhelming be a positive thing before. "That's...a good thing?" she asked, needing to be sure. But also, "What is it that you're confused about?" She may have been confused at first, but she knew her feelings were true.


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