Do you believe in something?


Her worries were slowly drifting away, feeling as if all of this as going better the Mati had foreseen it. There were no tears from either party, and no one had felt the need to run away. She had feared the worst, picturing an immediate rejection from the younger woman. She would have deserved such a thing, and if Cambria could forgive her and feel safe putting herself out there again Mati would be wise to note her courage and reciprocate with a similar trust.

They till stood with distance between them, and Mati found that she still lacked the bravery to cross it. She could see a small brightness in Cambi, the seer unhappiness no longer written on her face. She could not sense that it was hope, but it was a light and Mati found it encouraging. The tension was still alive, but it was changing as well and morphing into something that was familiar between them. The familiar feeling easily brought her comfort.

Still her mouth was curved into a smile, soft and with the question the Earth hued looked away a bit bashful for her choice of words. It was a good thing, a great thing. No one else had ever moved her in the way Cambria had, and yes everything about overwhelmed the once steady and slightly stubborn female. “It feels like a good thing.” She said, eyes peaking up at the other’s face, wondering if what she was saying was something that Cambi wished to hear. They felt wonderful and uplifting to say.

There was so much that Mati was confused about, so much that made her unsure. She worried that with the answer that she gave would be wrong, harming the efforts that she had already put forth. Her eyes feel once more, her voice filled with obvious insecurity. “I have never liked another female before. And, I guess I don’t know how to figure out all these feelings.” They were a mystery to her, and yet she had felt something towards a few males that she had come to know Mati knew this was different. It was better.

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