Do you believe in something?
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(>^^)> KIRBY! 300+

     So far, as the seasons changed, all she had seen of spring was the oppressive, angry rainclouds, blinded to what the rain was bringing. With her uncle, and the turmoil that had come to her when she thought Mati didn't like her, all that had existed for her was doom and gloom. The promise had seemed to go out of the world, sucked into a world of monotones. Now though, she felt the promise in the breeze. Smelt the fresh scent of new grass mixed along with Mati's own smell. The world that had been so dull and dreary was starting to brighten again, color beginning to fill in the grays. She thought she could hear robins singing in the distant branches, the heralds of spring and all things new. Cambria could feel herself giving into the hope, embracing it once more, all her hesitance melting quickly like morning dew. Her heart shook off the pain and was ready to open up again if Mati only tried the key she held.

     The Marino could be analytical at times, but she was a creature of emotions. That was what guided her and defined her life and actions. She could not hide those things that so lead her, they were out for anyone to see. There had been times she had tried to conceal them, but to no avail. Especially those who knew her well, they could pick up on how she was feeling by simply seeing her. Her father and mother could do that, her brother and sister as well. Cambria was an open book for any who wished to take the time to read her and pay attention. Perhaps, those days ago, Mati had been too caught up in her own head to see this. Too confused and worried to just let it all go. Hopefully, Cambi's words would help her see that while it might be scary, they didn't have to be scared. They were both new to this, and could explore it together.

     Her breathe held as Mati took a small step toward her, testing the waters of their comfort. Cambria remained still, making no move to turn and leave. Sea green eyes searched for the violets, a pleading in them. Come for me. Show me you want me too. That was what she needed. The girl needed to know that she wasn't the only one taking the plunge. They needed to do this together for neither of them could do it alone. Of course, she only wanted that if that was what Mati wanted to. That was what she needed to see and feel. That she wasn't the only one who desired this, to see what could come of them. Then their eyes met, and Mati finally spoke the words that she had been wanting to hear from the start. "I do too." Cambria always had, even before she realized it.


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