as the world begins to fade

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung walked along again in the neutral territory. She seemed to be spending a whole lot of time there. There was a purpose when she was wandering around Storm, usually she was hunting. While she could hunt in the neutral lands, it somehow didn’t feel quiet right. There really was a reason that wolves had territory. Meer sighed, and looked up in time to see another wolf, this one black, walking along.

Dark red ears pricked, and she moved toward the other. This black wolf probably had smelled her by now, seeing as Anderung was upwind from her. She smiled and called out a greeting. ”Hey there!” Anderung continued walking until she was near the other wolf, but there was still a respectable distance.

"sry this took a while."


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