Do you believe in something?
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you are too kind <3 500+

     She was glad she had been wrong. There would be few times in her life that she could say that with confidence, but this was one of them. After last time, she hadn't allowed herself to hope for this. She hadn't allowed herself to think that it could have been a misunderstanding. While she wasn't used to getting hurt by people she cared for, after what her uncle had done she had assumed that Mati's refusal and been deliberate and inarguable. That moment had been a prick to her sensitive heart, a needle tipped in poison and that poison had leeched away her optimism and hope. The girl had turned to pessimism, thinking if she believed the worse then at least she couldn't get hurt more. And yet here, she had closed herself off to the opportunity that good could happen. Cambria was glad that Mati had come after her, because if she hadn't, who knows how long it would have been before they spoke. These feeling could have laid dormant and slowly decayed. Now, though, they flourished with new found energy.

     How could she possibly stay upset now? It was clear to her that Mati had never intended for her to get hurt. What had happened had only been the older fey's attempt to protect herself because she didn't know what was going on. Cambria couldn't fault her for that. If their positions had been switched it was probable that she would have done the very same thing. If she hadn't talked with Anu she too would have felt that confusion and that fear. She just hadn't know that all that was what had been going through the Church wolfess' mind and so had assumed the worse. Now that she knew, all ill feelings were banished, gone with the fresh spring breeze. Cambi couldn't hold a grudge, not when she understood and not for someone that her heart beat so strongly for. She wanted to be with Mati and she wasn't going to let some unintentionally hurt feelings get in the way of that.

     Mati came closer, eliminating the distance that separated them and each inch that was closed made Cambria's heart skip. Her chest rose and fell with her anticipated breathing. She wanted to feel that spark, that warmth again. This time would be even better, she knew, because now they were on the same page. That didn't mean that they knew exactly where they were going or what lay ahead, but at least know they each knew where they stood. As that larger hand reached for her's and held it the Marino girl's smiled bloomed in full, the butterflies in her stomach exploding. Her delicate fingers squeezed Mati's hand affectionately, eyes half-lidded bashfully. She thought she was beautiful. "You're beautiful too. No one else makes my heart beat this way." Mati may have though herself large and awkward, but that's not how Cambria saw her at all. She saw strength, and confidence, things the smaller girl had always admired.


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