if you knew him then
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There was nothing but a frown at his brother's terrible excuse for a smile; Haku bared his fangs as trophies, and how many lives had they stolen away? How much flesh had been pierced, how many scars had he left? Jefferson could only picture bloodied, half-dead coyotes limping like he back to their sad excuse for a clan, scarred just as badly as the brute himself. He could see the mother bear before his eyes, tossing his limp body with effortless swipes. He felt the sting of her jaws against his breaking bone, and he felt the anguish and pain when she finally believed him to be dead and left. He remembered his last sight, one-eyed, of the bent and broken leg. It wasn't his. It couldn't have been his. Why had this happened? What had he ever done? He could barely hold his consciousness -- was he going to die? Where was he going to go?

Ears twitching, the cyclops bristled at the chill sliding down beneath the safety of the sling; his hand that hung so limply at his chest tingled and went numb. Had others seen what he had? More importantly, had Haku been their monster? Was he now the nightmares in their dreams, the pain in their aches, the shadows at every edge? Jefferson cringed at the thought. If he, partially numbed to such reoccurring horrors never spoken of, could still be affected by such nightmares, then surely others suffered more than he. Jefferson abhorred the thought. "You're no different than they," he accused, eye thinning. "You'll be the first to go if this doesn't end."


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