Drinking out of Cups
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... lowers.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Thanks for starting. Big Grin I godmoded him hugging, so if you'd rather he didn't then I'll fix it XD

It was no secret that Razekiel was a fan of the springtime. Winter was officially finished, though the area was known for harboring cold weather long past it was due; the first few days of warm weather were fantastic, worth a surprising few straight hours of actually sober meandering of the wonderfully blossoming Mother Earth! Sure, the drugs helped inspire her to shine her beauty a little more brightly, but seeing the glory of early spring in his own eyes was worth skipping the buzz. Simply put, he was a lover of nature, appreciative of the flowers and the grass and the birds' songs. He didn't need the swirling temptress of toxic smoke to love Mother Earth how she was deserved to be loved! And how he would make love to her if he could, high or not!

He had been walking that day for just those reasons. Though not quite as lightheaded as usual, Razekiel had sauntered on stiffer, steadier legs than he was used to and breathed in Mother Earth's breath by the lungful rather than clouding it with the lovely reek of marijuana (even if it was the Mother's favorite). The prince had smoked something that morning, he couldn't remember how much, but was in a clearer mind than the typical Razekiel. A bland, tobacco-filled cigarette lay on his lips that day; it was strange, as he breathed in and out of it as if he was smoking, but the mild high in his head prevented his knowledge that it was actually lit.

Straw eyes peered at a figure tapping at the side of his tent as he approached. A contented smile spread across his lips; the character went unrecognized, but Razekiel was nevertheless always pleased to see guests. "Oh hell-oooooo, my friend! I am not home, but I am right here, yeah?" Even in his slight distance away, the coyote shouted at the top of his lungs (which, incidentally, was not that loud and still in the tone of buzzed-Razekiel, but at least it was accompanied by the overzealous swinging of his arms. "I am Razekiel, and I don't know you, man! Have you come to breathe in Mother Earth and dance in her wonderful rebirth this beautiful day? I have been doing it, and it is so wooonnderful, man!"

Without any real notice of it, the coyote wrapped his arms heartily around the complete stranger when he got close enough, squeezed a little too hard-- "Your new face to me is a refreshing sight; I feel as if I've been washed over in holy rain!" --and released.


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