First time I broke my collarbone

Anann had expected the young healer to argue with her request to change her form before stitching the wound. Her lupus form lacked the muscle of her other two forms. Leaner and built more for speed, she felt almost defenseless in her current state and that was without the gash in the back of head. Not very comfortable like this. She said with a meek smile. Rising to a sitting position, a pain in her left wrist making the process slightly more complicated. She couldn't get back into her optime form fast enough, though she knew better than to rush the process now. Even still it was quick and fluid. One of her skills she was particularly proud of.

There, that's much better. She said with a smile. Gingerly, she reached back feeling the wound on the back of her skull. Why did the scalp have to bleed so much? Oh well, that don't seem too bad. I seemed to have sprained my wrist as well, but everything else seems okay. This was not the first nor near the most serious injury the golden warrior had had stitched up. The doctors back home had been skilled and so her scarring was minor, invisible through her thick pelt. Anann positioned herself with her back to Cambria, hoping she was in good enough light for her to do her work. Do you do much of this? She was curious how much experience her young acquaintance had, not that she was concerned.

Gently and slowly Anann tried stretching out her wrist, hoping it would not swell and stiffen. She wished she knew where Rem was, she could send him to fetch her pack. Surely she had some leather binding she could use to help support it. Hearing a soft knicker behind her, Anann could have laughed. It was almost as if her thoughts had caused him to appear. Though she couldn't see him, she knew it was her horse. Its okay Rem, I'm fine. The friesian stallion was a massive horse by most standards, though not as large as true draft breeds. His unruly waterfall of mane and tail adding to his wild appearance. His eyes giving away the intelligence and softness within.

Do you have my pack? She asked the stead. Given the answer as he trod over, well around the unfamiliar youth, dropping the pack in front of Anann. He giving her a snort in the face. Thankfully not a good, snotty one. Standing off a little ways he gave another snort and stomp as the young healer worked. It's nothing! She said forcefully. Now would you stop giving me the stink eye! Cambria, would you please tell worry-wort over there that I'm fine...


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