Do you believe in something?
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I love yours more! 300+

     Sheer, gut instinct had driven her this far and continued to fuel each movement now. She wouldn't have been able to do it on her own. She would have been too frightened, too hesitant to touch the other female no matter how badly she wanted to. The girl would have frozen instead of wanting to execute the distance that had separated their two forms. But the feelings she felt were too strong to be ignored, too powerful to be contained by shyness. In fact, it would have pained her to deny the contact or to shirk from it. All she wanted was to be close to Mati. To share everything with her. All her experiences, all her fears and hopes. Surely her greatest hope was coming true now though. It was still so new and fresh, but something deep inside told her this was right and that this was important. This was the start of something, she just knew it.

     Cambria felt and heard as Mati's heart raced at their contact, and her own did similar back flips when the larger hand was held against her chest. Her breathe came slow, steady, and deep to help counteract her quickening pulse. Also, she wanted to drown in the other woman's scent. It tickled her nose and as she breathed it in so deeply the fluttering in her chest increased. Her skin tingled as if lit up by tiny electric lights. Though when Mati's hand came to gently caress her face Cambria was certain she simply glowed. She breathed out slowly in a sigh, her eyes closing as the fingers combed through her hair and rubbed that sensitive spot behind her ear. The girl could have fallen asleep right then and there with how happy and content she felt, to such a degree that she had never even fathomed before that moment.

     Her face retreated from the Church fey's chest and she rose back to her full height, looking back up into those violet orbs that so fascinated and enthralled her. The smile upon her lips was serene, as if a part of her life that had been loose since she could recall had finally snapped into place. As if something that had long eluded her finally made perfect sense. Her free hand moved to gently rest on Mati's side, her thumb rubbing against the fur there. Cambria leaned ever so slightly closer, her nose coming nearly to touch Mati's but not quite. Their breathes mingled and they were now breathing the same exact air. Yet still, she wanted to be closer.


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