for all that i've blessed

I totz had a better idea for him to go about this in mind yesterday, but it went 'poof!' XD Oh wells. 429

The words she throw at him stung, sharp as needles prickling all over him. They were brutal, but they were honest. And honesty was what they needed right now. Ehno had known all this time that these were Cambria’s feelings about his actions, and now her feelings had been spoken, hovering before them now like a solid wall. This issue between them had previously been some malleable apparition haunting them, so flexible that it returned to its previous shape no matter how Ehno had tried to take it apart. Keeping them constantly at odds. Cambria’s harsh declaration changed that, though. Solid things could be torn down, maneuvered around, and that could only happen if the effort was taken by the both of them. At least he hoped.

His amber gaze fell to the ground as his niece berated him, the stinging needle words injecting a fresh dose of guilt into him. The man cared for all of those involved in the accident and couldn’t allow himself to simply abandon someone. That was the problem. He’d cared too much. And in the end he’d gotten himself involved in something far more complicated than he’d expected. After a moment, he finally worked up the nerve to look back up at Cambria, though he could not meet her gaze completely and his ears were still pressed flat against his skull. His instincts were driving him into submission. “I know what I did hurt you. And I know an apology would be worthless to you," he began slowly, taking a breath to try to clear and organize his thoughts.

He wasn’t sure how to continue, but he tried to steel his nerves and speak from his heart. “I never intended to hurt you, Cambi. I never wanted to hurt anyone. She was my friend, and I couldn’t just leave her to battle her demons alone. And then it just…” happened. He let his words trail off, frustrated with the direction he was taking things. It was an argument he had defended before, and one he was certain Cambi did not want to hear. The man did not know any other way to go about this, and honesty was all he could offer her now. “All I wanted to do was help,” he tried then, voice a rough murmur. That had been his intentions, but in such a delicate situation as this, he couldn’t please one person without betraying the other. And choosing sides wasn’t something he could do, not now. So instead he made himself miserable constantly trying to balance this off-kilter see-saw.

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