Hiya! I'm Tammi, one of the Administrators here, part of the 'Souls Assemblage. Smile Welcome to 'Souls!

The site map should be pretty handy! It has links to the different packs and breaks down their policies, ranks, history, and any extra information we thought were handy. I'd also advise poking around the forums to see which packs you like. :3 You can learn a lot just by stalking a few threads! Wink

The RP Guide is also a really handy resource. It has a lot of information on the species of werewolves and werecoyotes were roleplay, the luperci, as well as a small section on the 'Souls Universe that we're still working on. The Inferni website has a great page on coyotes if you want to play a coyote or a hybrid (since our RP Guide focuses more on wolves... :3 )

I hope that helps! Good luck!

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