S.t.e.p by S.t.e.p
o.o.c.: Thanks! Its a new style I've been trying on, and I have to say I like it. Feel free to follow it, I've more to add this evening if I get around to it...your compliments are very much appreciated!

B.o.n.e and sinew sprang free as the collar was snapped from around her neck. The first, true breath of freedom was pulled into Istabel's expanding lungs as she shifted from one form into the next. Her Ethiopian Wolf heritage sculpted her Optime form into a physique long and slender of limb...made all the more potent by protruding angles thanks to her lack of nutrition and care. Her white-masked features were crowned by a tousled mop of auburn and ebony. Large, white-rimmed ears sprouted from the crown of her head, currently angled at half-mast as her marigold eyes calculated his question.

As she lay sprawled and feeding on deep lungfuls of freedom, a long pause pursued the level gaze she pinned him with. He'd given her the liberty she'd fought so long for. He deserved an answer. This fact seemed to settle into place as last, and Istabel dropped her eyes with a firm shake of her head. No. She could not speak. The use of words was beyond her. A handicap that had pummeled her with it's consequences her entire life.

After all, a mute Luperci could not scream.

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