A New Home
Hello thar Big Grin

It had been a while since Utriu had chosen to appear for her. The guiding whale was as stubborn as the wolf that it advised; Ember had been denying certain feelings that she'd had over the last few months, telling both herself and Utriu that they weren't true and that she was finished thinking about a certain red wolf. She'd even argued with the whale, telling him that he didn't know her or anything about her. Since then the orca hadn't come around...even when she had called for him and called for him. She wasn't sure what to make of it...or what she could do to bring him back. She didn't want to think that he might be gone for good.

The darkly colored wolfess contemplated these thoughts as she painted. She had been trying to fix up a few of the houses in the village to make them look more appealing to new members, and this was the last of the ones in this part of the little town. She had chosen a bright, robin's-egg blue to try and attract this particular house some extra attention. It was a nice one-bedroom house with a separate room off to the side that had apparently been used for storage at one time or another. There were boxes upon boxes inside that room.

She hadn't had the time to get into them yet and see what old human things they held. Occasionally she would find something good, but most of the time the boxes that she found were wet or moldy or held things that were wet or moldy. It hadn't rained recently and the room was pretty well sealed, though. No broken windows in this house.

Ember was putting her brush down just as she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She was shifted into her full optime form, standing erect on two legs. It was her preferred form, the form that she felt she was most useful in. She could paint, use weapons, pick up Lotus, clean, and do many other tasks in this form. She stepped out from behind the house, pale green eyes searching up the long street, trying to figure out where the sound had originated."Anybody here?" She called quietly.


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