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OOC: ©table code and image to jacoby: For orin - WC 430

She tried to pay careful attention as she padded onto the waterlogged boards and chased off a few of the nesting gulls, but the more noise she made with her snarls and barking, the less she heard the groaning of the precarious floorboards. She had not meant to wander as far into the room as she had, but easily got carried away.

Realization of just how far into the room she had tread slowly came over her as Niro’s warning boomed from behind. He sounded really serious this time; though he often did, there was an urgency in his tone that not even Orin could ignore on her most adventurous of days. Something in his voice and the way he asserted himself sounded so like those days back in Florida, and it sent a small pang of fright through her. She froze in her tracks and peered back over her shoulder at Niro, the fur on the back of her neck standing on end.

The room was silent for a moment save for the frantic seagulls, and now that she wasn’t yipping and nipping at them they were beginning to settle back into their nests. Aside from that, everything was in it’s place, so what was Niro worried about? The wind was rushing in through the broken glass, the sound of the waves crashed against the cliffs, the floor groaned. . .

She lowered her head and whimpered softly as she realized the predicament she had gotten into. Somehow, she was all the way across the room now, and although the lantern room was not that large, it felt like Niro was a thousand miles away. She briefly glanced to the view outside, noting just how far up in the tower they were, and remembering how hollow the structure had been.

She took a step forward, feeling the wood with her forepaw and slowly lowering her weight onto it. She thought she could feel it bend, thought she could see it bend, and suddenly the ground was much more fragile than when she had made her brash entrance. “Niro. . .” she spoke in a shaky whisper, as though just talking too loud would seal her fate. “Niro. . . the floor doesn’t seem very stable here.” If she hadn’t been in such a plight, it might have been comical the way she stated the obvious, and only now acknowledged the obvious. She tried to brave another step forward but the burdened wood moaned, and she lifted her paw as quickly as she had set it down. “What do I do?”


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