
ooc: WC: 349

Niro clung on tightly making sure he’d be anchored if she fell through, he watched as she ran, it was so fast, yet it felt like it took her a month just to get over it. Every crack he heard from underneath her made him grit his teeth and hold his breath ready for the fall that was bound to happen, but it didn’t his heart soared as he watched his sister run right past him, and keep running, he was smiling with reliefas he felt the tug from the other side of him. He turned around as soon as she found her own feet and knew she wasn’t head down through the boards. Then as she laughed, he couldn’t help but laugh. He had to admit it was quite invigorating, no matter how scary it was.

Don’t… EVER do that again.

He panted still chuckling with the whole ordeal. She made it back, she was safe. He looked into the room and saw how lucky she was. He could see her path, the wood that she cracked, some of it had come up in splinters. Well he knew what to do to surprise her, he knew she wouldn’t want anything to do with up above for a while. He smiled on the inside, and turned back to his sister, finally feeling like he could breath again. Just then Orin was hugging his legs and he felt flush of pride go through him. He bent down and hugged his sister tightly and properly.

I promised I’d never let anything happen to you, and that’s going to stay for as long as you live. Let’s get some fresh air, we both will need it.

He stood up and started at his knots he made on the rope, well, he did a damn good job he was having a hard tie with them right now, he worked on it as he started descending the stairs. If Orin needed a little breather he was sure she’d stay, unless she was having as difficult of time as he was with her own rope.


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