like a toast at a table.

ooc... WC 688

If it was at all possible, her face lit up even more the moment she realized it was like she had walked into another world! A new kind of excitement beat in her veins at the first word she heard from one of the Russian wolves, and her smile broadened. Normally she might have baited Niro into a more fulfilling play fight, but he had mostly dismissed her banter, and she was too astonished now to pursue it. Leaving Niro to learn how to catch fish, she sidled up next to the other two women and made herself comfortable in the sand, crossing her legs and leaning her weight back onto her palms. Wow. Pleased to meet you Liliya, Rurik, and. . . oh, I don’t think I caught your name?” There was a profound sincerity in her voice, atoning for the fact that she really was enthused to meet these new friends.

Aye, and friends they were, indeed! Despite only arriving a moment ago, something in the air spoke volumes to the true and friendly nature of her packmates that relaxed here. Their good character was tangible. Certainly life in the Court had been a marked improvement from days she lived past, but something about the atmosphere this little group shaped made it feel like their friendliness was more than just diplomacy; it was authentic.

A small look of wonder was written on her visage as she watched Rurik present the fish to Liliya, admiring his skill for fishing. She was equally amazed as she watched Liliya’s skilled preparation and searing of the meat. “I would love one,” she said, holding a hand to her stomach. “I’m famished, and it smells amazing.” She felt unfortunate for being unable to lend a hand in the preparations. If Spring had had more time to nurture the lands she would have happily wandered off to gather fruit as a garnish or dessert; but still, all being wolves at heart, probably no one would miss it. A mental note was made to remember a gift if there was ever another little cookout on the beach like this.

She eagerly accepted her generous serving from Liliya once the fish was ready and made no hesitation in digging in to the fine meal. To hesitate would be an insult, like displaying doubt over Rurik’s superior catch and Liliya’s deft preparation. Not to mention, as she’d already said aloud a couple times, it smelled amazing and her senses would not let her take pause! She started off with one giant bite, savoring the taste of so fresh a catch. There was a brief worry that, after all this anticipation, it would taste just like the fish she was forced to eat day in and day out on the ship – but this meal did not even compare to the sad excuse she had been served aboard the vessel. She almost tried to suppress the ‘mmmm’ of pleasure that came so naturally, but did not, knowing it would be seen as a compliment to this hearty group. Oh, this is delicious!” she managed to eke out the words before devouring the rest of her plate.

Her enthusiasm for the unprecedented little gathering was fortified by the beautiful accents of the group’s patrons. To her glee, it seemed two of the comrades, Liliya and the other whose name she did not yet catch, were immersed deep in discussion about places they had been, and the lands from whence they came. Invigorated, Orin did not even bother to conceal her eavesdropping as she leaned forward, her white ears swiveling towards them so she would not miss a word.

“I can tell you’ve already said it,” she interjected eagerly. “But I didn’t catch it. Where are you all from? I love your accents. . . but I’m crap at placing them.” She expected the answer to probably come from Liliya or Zasha, who had been sitting in front of her conversing, but she could not help but turn her eyes back to Rurik, finding the exotic mixture of his accent combined with his honed fishing skills of profound interest.


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