I didn't know you could stop being a God.

indent The demon didn’t care for the separation of dreaming and reality, which was where he walked. In that chasm there was no room for fault or frailty. There was only action and reaction, a trigger and the heap that followed it. Each step pushed them closer to a pinnacle and one day it would be reached—one of them would have to die. He knew this in his blood because that was what Ahren believed in his deepest heart.
indent Not a single word escape Ahren’s mouth. He stared ahead, glowering, completely still. It seemed like this would have ended then and there if not for one mechanical motion. His hand rose and drew the knife on his hip. For all intent purposes, the light in his eyes meant one thing. He was going to kill him. He was going to cut that grinning monster out of Laruku piece by piece if he had to. The soul lived in the belly. Laruku didn’t know that—he had gone to the head. The illness wasn’t in his head, but his soul and his heart.


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