don't leave me standing here

It was the first time he had spent a full twenty-four hours within the borders of the territory, but now the storm seemed to fuel his powerful strides, driving him to the edge of Clouded Tears. He tilted his head to the sky and rolled his shoulders, stimulating muscles that had been relatively motionless when he had sat by the Yawrah. A scent that met his nostrils electrified his sense and for a moment he stood stock still, gauging from exactly where it was coming and if it was a Clouded Tears member whose scent simply wasn't familiar to him. But no, this scent was different, from Jaded Shadows, a pack he had only passed by once or twice. Immediately, he headed towards the strange wolf on Clouded Tears territory, intending to find out just what he was doing here.

As he drew near, the thunder rumbled a little closer than before, and he waited until it died completely before the rumble of his voice filled the emptiness the thunder had left behind. "Need anything on your way out?" There wasn't an ounce of emphasis in his voice. There was no sarcasm; there was no concern. The deep reverberation in his throat was looking specifically for a why and a what, but his tone gave no clear implication of what he was looking for in the way of answers. He wasn't out to scare the hell out of the younger wolf, but he didn't want him taking it lightly, either. Yellow eyes locked onto green eyes and he strode closer, remaining a decent distance away and yet close enough to assure the other that he meant business. He had no idea why anyone would step into this fog without a thought on his mind, which was obviously what had happened or the other would know he was on someone elses territory. He was either careless or he was looking for something.

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