Different faces [pack thread]
word conut: 491

Cerridwyn nodded as a grey female arrived at the meeting, listening for a moment before stepping up and asking what this new wolf's qualifications were. The priestess thought that this was a rather unnecessary question; obviously this stranger was qualified to lead, if he was indeed the leader of AniWaya. Still, it did not escape her notice that, when the rusty man replied, he did not answer this question, though he did finally give his name.

She was still frustrated, her questions still unanswered. Okay, it was a joint decision between himself and Jefferson. That was fine, though it still bothered her that Jefferson would run like this. She let out an audibly exasperated sigh. "Tha's all well 'n good," she said, managing not to sound whiny. Haughtiness was beginning to creep into the hybrid's lilted tones, though. "We b'lieve you, I think, a' least I do -- 'm not questionin' yer sincer'ty. It still jus' dun make sense, though." She began to voice some of her questions, though not with the frequency at which they occured in her mind -- she was reminded of Delwyn, sputtering off questions before the one being interrogated could even begin to answer. "Wha' exactly is goin' on? You said tha' Jefferson 'sough' peace from th' war' bu' I dun un'erstan' why 's more peaceful in AniWaya than 'ere. Neither pack is direc'ly involved. P'raps ye can enlighten me t'that. I dun un'erstan' why Jefferson din't call a meetin' 'imself, seems it woulda made things go a tick smoother. An' I dun un'erstan' why Geneva en't 'ere, either, an' why none of us 'as 'eard ennethin' about this til now."

She studied the shamanistic figure of Dawali, and did kind of feel sorry for him. He had probably expected this to go a lot more smoothly, but you couldn't just waltz in unannounced and state you were taking over a pack, especially when many of the members had no idea who you were. She was honestly surprised, and a little disappointed, that it was only herself and one other protesting this. The other pack members, still arriving in ones and twos, remained silent. Was this the pack she was calling home now? If she and the other female hadn't been there, would they have silently allowed this wolf to come in and take over, no questions asked? "I'm sure yer a good leader an' all, bu' ye've go' t'un'erstan' where we're comin' from 'ere. We're all goin' 'bout our daily lives, lalala, an' suddenly ye show up, an' wait, yer alpha 'as run off to another pack, an' none o'ye know me bu' I'm gonna come in an' take o'er now, wi'out explainin' exactly wot's goin on? Nae, tha' dun work for me, Dawali, an' I expect there at least one'r two others 'ere who it dun work fer, neither. I'll be willin' t'accpet ye as me Patriarch, but I wan' answers b'fore I do."

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