Starting Anew

"AINE!" Fabayo shouted, waking up the minute her older sister slammed into the tree. She stood up in a flash, glomping the large half-wolf. "Are you okay I was so scared and Mom and Dad got attacked and then I ran and I couldn't find you and a mouse bit my foot and I was howling and howling and you didn't come and I'm tired but I don't wanna sleep 'cause the brown wolf scares me but the other one is nice she found me and has a funny accent!"

It was amazing how fast Fabayo could talk when she wanted to; that entire speech was said within twenty seconds. She whined anxiously, waiting for an answer from Aine. Until she started making sure she wasn't hurt, anyway. As soon as that happened she stood perfectly still and silent, waiting for Aine to finish. Once her sister started talking to Cerridwyn and Ty, Fabayo couldn't stop herself from talking. "One of them is named Cerridwyn and she's the one who rescued me. The other one I don't know his name but he scares me."


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