I will save you.

Totally not lame. ^_^ And yeah, that's fine. I don't pay much attention to dates anyhow. Also also, I thought I should let you know that in the Game page, it is all "post here when you want to claim a prize or post for points!" and links to the old page.

indent Melisande watched as Laruku looked at her, and turned again to keep walking. He didn't even stop, didn't even say hello. It had been so sudden, how had she not seen him coming? A pang of pain hit her in the chest so hard it almost knocked the wind out of her. She could hardly recognize him anymore, and for a moment all she could do was blink slowly. She fought off sadness and anger, and found in herself what understanding she could still muster. She didn't move, but she called after him.

indent "Laruku... come back..." She'd thought this wasn't a problem anymore. When she was away from him, he became less and less a problem as time went by. He seeped from her mind, and she was able to think again. But the moment she caught a glimpse of him, everything went crazy again. She sneered at herself inside, remembering their last conversation and her somewhat embarrasing proclamation of love. Moments ago she would have denied the truth of it, even to herself, but now, looking at him, she still felt the same way. And yet, she had no idea what to say to him, aside from what she always thought when she imagined him. "Remember when we were young... and you caught that squirrel with me? " She didn't want to cause him anymore pain, but somehow it seemed like it didn't matter what she did. No matter what, he would be in more pain with the next step than he was with the one before. So really, she could say anything.


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