First time I broke my collarbone
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ugh, school takes up far too much of my time Tongue 500+

     Out of respect Cambria averted her eyes while Anann forced her body into the change that would give her arms and hands. It could be embarrassing or uncomfortable to shift in front of other people and she didn't want the other to feel any worse than she already was. There was more to being a healer than simply being able to aid people when they needed it. It was about a whole way of acting and handling situations. It wasn't something she was being taught, more simply learning by watching Dawali and picking up on his mannerisms. She wanted her patients to be as comfortable around her as she was around the AniWayan healer. As the transformation came to end she turned her gaze back to Anann as she spoke, a soft smile on her face.

     It seemed two good things had come out of the other wolf's shift. Not only was she more comfortable, but she had discovered another injury that couldn't be seen with the eyes. It was better she found out the way she had instead of putting weight on the limb and inadvertently making it worse. "Well that's good. Once I stitch up your cut I'll wrap your wrist. Keep it held above your chest, it will help keep the swelling down." Thankful for Anann's cooperation in turning her back to Cambria, the girl dug through her pack first for a clean cloth and her bottle of rubbing alcohol. Pouring some onto the cloth she moved to dab the cut clean. "This will sting, but I'll be quick about it," she warned. Gently cleaning the gash she answered, "I'm still an apprentice, but I've had quite a bit of experience cleaning cuts and such. I still need to learn about the healing herbs." She had started her lessons in winter, and so there had been no plants available to learn from. Though with spring on the way that part of her training would soon begin, she guessed.

     Cambria had finished cleaning the wound and was sterilizing the needle when the aforementioned horse made his appearance. Her sea green eyes grew wide for a moment, not out of fear, but out of awe at the size of the stallion. She didn't think that any of the horses in AniWaya were so big as this one. She could tell immediately that he was concerned over Anann, but she let his friend do the talking at first. The girl couldn't help but issue a soft chuckle as she was asked to give the horse assurance that his canine companion was going to be just fine. "She's going to be right as rain soon enough Rem. She just has a cut on her head that I have to stitch up and it'll heal just great. A sprained wrist too, but it will be okay too." Turning back to her work she brought the needle and suture material up to the gash. "I'm going to start sewing it up now." Cambria would work her fingers as fast as she could, knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant at all for Anann.


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