Starting Anew

"Are you one of the leaders? Aine and I were walking with my parents and then we got attacked by a giant black thing and Aine got away and I hid in a bush 'till it was distracted and then I ran 'cause I didn't wanna get eaten and then Cerridwyn found me and we've been talking and then Ty showed up and he scared me but I know he's nice now and I couldn't find Aine and then she showed up and now we're trying to find a leader so Aine and I don't have to live by ourselves!" All of that was said in a single breath; Fabayo really could talk fast when she wanted to. As soon as she was done talking she figured out that the new wolf that had shown up must have been one of the leaders.

She yelled at herself mentally, then jumped down off of Aine's back. She instantly went into a respectful pose, head bowed and tail between her legs slightly. "Umm... it's nice to meet you?"


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