Where the heart is

That's fine, don't mind me. Work is slow so ill probably respond a little faster than normal.

After the bitter cold of winter the current weather seemed almost like a heat wave. At least when it wasn't raining. The sun was growing ever closer to the earth again with the changing season. Anann's perch in the leafless tree allowed her to soak up the suns warmth. Only for an arctic draft to sweep though and rob her fur of the heat. Her pelt was thick after traveling though the arctic weather of northern winter. The cool winds were of no consequence as she was rather enjoying the cycle of warm and cool.

Her progress with the large bag she was working on was slow. More often than not she looked over the little plot of land. Visualizing what it might one day look like. Trying to get a better idea of exactly where and how large she might make her home. Building her own would be quite the project. Construction would go fast if she could get help from the pack. However falling the logs and their preparation would consume weeks if not months of effort. If she did so alone as she currently planned. More than likely she would not wait for the wood to dry, but build her home out of green logs. Drying could take years. So unless she found standing dead trees or enough naturally fallen logs for her home it, green it would be.

The project would be enough to keep her mind looking forward. Keeping the past and the regrets that go with it at bay. Much like the leather work that currently occupied her fingers. The large bag she worked on would serve a few uses. Ultimately it would become a double lined punching bag. In the meantime however it would simple be used to haul in sand from the beach. In order to make her home last, Anann planned to make a foundation of sand and stone to help rain water and other moisture soak into the ground rather than rotting the wood structure. A task that will require a lot of work as well.

Her thoughts of present and future tasks was interrupted by a snort from Rem. A subtle sound of alarm that someone was approaching. With no one yet in view, her ears instead searched for the faint sounds of approach. Rem still grazed near by. He was much more relaxed now that they had a pack to call home and Anann was no longer just a traveling loner. Anann was glad to see it was new face, although the likelihood it was someone she already knew was pretty slim. Hello there. Yeah, he's with me. She smiled, the tip of her tail tapping against the tree trunk behind her. His name is Rem. I'm Anann. With her was much closure to the truth than her horse. Even though she often referred to him as hers he was not a beast one could own. It had been him that had chosen her. He was too free spirited to be owned and broke. He was her companion, her friend. There only by his choice.

Table by Alli<3


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