[M] Kokain
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Tourniquet by Marilyn Manson. - +5

The male sat there silently for a moment, his head resting against the wall that the bed was in front of. His head was leaned back, mask securely on his face. Icy-fiery orbs had disappeared behind the mask, the male taking deep breaths in and slowly out. Recovering from a hit for a moment before he had heard the woman finally speak. Yes, I have He opened his eyes to see her face, and she was smiling. A smile did not grace his own lips for some odd reason. His eyes actually looked confused at her. His maw was twisted in an emotionless line, not visible under the thick rubber and plastic of the canine gas mask. The male moved his head to look at his bandaged hand for a moment before he had actually, sluggishly moved to the end of the bed, to be closer to the woman, and he handed her the bottle of whiskey. With her retrieval of the liquor, he had laid back, his elbows against the bed, keeping him up so he could see her. He looked at her silently for a few moments, not really knowing what to say. His silence was interrupted by the urge to clear his throat, which happened anyways because he wasn't able to let it stay within him. He put his left hand over the "carb" of sorts and then he took the lighter in his right hand and lit the end of it, the cannabis burning, turning from that light green to the burnt brown, then black and then gray as it turned to ash. He held the carb until the mask started to fill up, soon enough the part where his eyes were was filled with smoke, to where you couldn't see the male's eyes any more.

The moment he let go of the carb, he sharply inhaled, taking in all of the smoke that he built up within the mask, or at least, close to most of it. His lungs reached their capacity, so he had let the other smoke chill within the mask while he held the smoke in that he could. He let a little bit of smoke out at first, then re-inhaled some more smoke, and then repeated until the mask was clear and he could hold it comfortably for a little bit. When you smoked like this for a good month or two, you got good at it. He sat there still, another clearing of his throat coming up before he finally let out the rest of the smoke. It looked cool with the gas mask on, and the smoke in the already partially smoked out room had made it look almost cooler. Maybe it was just because he was already higher than a kite. He was imagining the way he looked, and in his eyes, he looked more bad ass than any of the other Infernians. Though you'd probably say that he was one of the more...awkward of the Infernians. He was a midget, and he was intimidating looking..I mean, if you get scared by a little metal head dog-yote. He'd never be able to be as intimidating looking as Gabriel, or Kaena, or really, any of the other larger Inferni members. He'd always look like a little git compared to them, and he's always look like he was less scary. Perhaps he could just be pretty boy and all the girls could fall head over heels for him. Even though he's socially awkward and all. He was working on it. Though...Him staying in his room wasn't helping him do this.

Look. I'm sorry. Following the muffled words came the clearing of his throat, but after that....After that there was nothing but Silence.


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