Where do you go when you're blue?

Pilot couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, he wasn’t so thin now, but his arrival to Bleeding Souls was a completely different story. Pilot had been very thin, weak, and generally malnourished. For him, though, it all seemed normal. He had no idea just how different wolves naturally dined from squirrels. "Oh yes, I eat many other things now. Especially meat. It was weird at first, but I think instincts kicked in. Though I still have a taste for plants. I just realize now that there isn’t a whole lot of nutrition in them for a guy like me." His grey eyes searched the jars curiously. "And nuts, yeah, we had plenty of those." Naturally, considering his family was all squirrels.

He looked at the different textures, colors, and smells as she placed various jars on the ground. Their lids were tightly screwed on as to not lose any of the contents, and he was even sure he could make out a few words scribbled on their tops. Peering back towards her bag, he listened closely to her words. He hoped, after all, he would be able to learn as much as possible in reasonably the quickest amount of time. "Do you have any paper?" He asked Naniko, though he doubted it would be in the bag with the rest of the medicines. If not, it was no matter. Pilot could simply try and memorize the different herbs – it would help him in his study and knowledge of medicine.


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