First time I broke my collarbone


Anann had never heard of so many people traveling by boat before. Heath had said that the king of the Miracles pack had come here by boat as well. Having lived so far inland most her life the idea just seemed bizarre. While she knew there were those that made their living with the vessels. Bring goods to this land from shores far away. Even so it was hard to imagine that many came to this area by such a method. "I was born and raised in Tosawi, its a large pack far southwest of here. Anann wasn't exactly sure how far she had come in all reality, only that the trip had taken months. "Do many come here by boat? Your mother and her siblings are not the first I have heard of coming to this area by such a means."

Anann had more pouches than she could possibly ever use. Any time the weather had kept Rem and her from traveling she had busied herself with some little project or another. Most were simple, although a few had decorative stitching and beads, though the still simple. The girl's surprise at her offer of payment made the golden fem's smile broaden. "If you're ever in the need of something specific, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to make it for you. I can make about anything you can think of out of leather. Except clothing, I have no talent for that sort of work. Anann had no love of clothing in the first place. Even in her training she had refused to wear the protective gear. Except for the occasions when Godfrey had forced her to.

The words had barely made it past her mouth when they were stumbled upon by another. Another female from the Crimson Dreams pack, unless Anann's olfactory senses were failing her. However this woman was much older than Cambria. Anann gave Rem glance and a glare. He normally always told her when someone was coming. Cambria answered the question that came forth before Anann could even open her mouth. Introductions quickly following. Anann dipped her head respectively to the woman whom apparently was second in command if their ranks were at all similar the the officer ranks used by many human military. Her thoughts jumped around quickly. Was the pack a military force? Surely Heath would have told if they were. Wouldn't he? "It is nice to meet you ma'am. Quite the skilled, young healer you have here too. Very confident and capable." The poise the young girl had had surprised Anann. Once she had found the wound she had focused only on cleaning and closing it. She had not wavered or seem nervous at all. "Once miss Cambria picks out her payment, Rem and we will be on our way. She jestered over the various pouches she had out.

The sudden appearance of Cambria's pack mate had caught her off guard enough as it were, but for her to also be one of the leaders. When she had first approached she had seemed concerned. Understandably so, Anann supposed she too would have been concerned to see a young member of her own pack talking to an outsider if she were in her position. Tension quickly faded from Anu. The smile that had faded only momentarily on the golden fem's face was back. I've already made arrangements for my horse with the Cour des Miracles pack. I plan to seek out their king for acceptance here soon. Though I'll probably wait for these wounds to heal up now. Her scalp neatly stitched and her wrist wrapped, she felt she made for one sorry sight. Anann had gathered up her things. "Hope to see you around sometime. Perhaps under better circumstances." She added with a laugh. In what appeared to be an effortless jump, Anann mounted her steed. "Take care."


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