A new begaining
Tubur slightly rised himself off the ground when he felt the she-wolf calm down a little. Of course she had every right to be up tight about the fact that a grown, male wolf had entered her territory. He know he would be up tight too if he found someone in his pack's territory, but this wasn't his pack's territory and he hadn't found a tresspasser he was the tresspasser but it was for a good cause right? He was here to join the pack not hurt it. He couldn't even think about randomly going into a pack and hurting someone. Now if that someone had hurt him first it was a different story.

He tilted his head towards the she-wolf as she talked. Her first question was easy to answer but the second was going to take some thinking. He could fight, hunt, swim, ect. but almost all wolves could do those things couldn't they. If he wanted to get into this pack he need something that most other wolves weren't very good at but what. He had good leadership skills and was good when it came to the stratagy of battle but where those things really good enough to tell the leader of Crimson Dreams. He thought not. He thought back to his first asinment and found something that might just be worth telling. " My name is Tubur Rayk and I may be of help in the department of spying and battle. I also know a few thinks about piercing if that may be of any intrest of you" He said countinueing his submission behavior.

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