First time I broke my collarbone
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yey! X3 300+

     Cambria was proud that she had been able to help Anann. Healing someone was actually the one time that she could feel useful and proud of herself all on her own. She was also glad that Dawali had agreed to teach her his art. He hadn't had any reason to outside of the goodness of his heart, but she was lucky, for he had a very big heart and was a very kind man. "Yes, he is very nice, and very smart too. I hadn't thought about the dimensions between our packs, but you're right. I didn't even know I was helping in that way." She knew that their relations with the tribe weren't bad, but surely there was a bond there now that hadn't been there before. Who knew she had unexpectedly performed a sort of ambassadorial role for her pack.

     The girl hadn't thought of herself as having any sort of natural inclination to the healing arts, but she had to admit that a deep sense of purpose and confidence pervaded her when she was working. She wouldn't have thought that she would have been able to stay so calm and focused in these situations, and yet she was able to. She was able to be strong for the people she was helping, and that was a great difference too. The pronouncement caught her off guard and she looked back up to Anu with a bit of a shocked expression. "What? You mean..." Cambi hadn't planned to ask until her training was more or less complete, but a sudden wave of joy came over her, a smile lit her face. "Oh Anu, thank you! I'm so honored!" She would be more than just the Commander's shy daughter now, she had a job and a purpose. It felt better than she had even expected.


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