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A warrior. He let his icy gaze wash over her, looking at her now in a new light. She was young, agile… beautiful. Not entirely what he would have expected from a warrior, but now he could see it. She had that way about her that made Silas think that Halo was capable of fending for herself in any situation. Why not protect Inferni as well? "Ahh, Hydra," he responded, musing for a moment. His other favorite person in Inferni was also a Hydra. How wonderful. A quick swipe of fingers over his muzzle reassured him of that fact.

Her words registered and Silas turned again to look at Halo, a smile creeping over his features again as he chuckled. "Vell, good to know. No messing vith you, eh?" He wondered what his role would be amongst the clan once he found his way and settled in. Up to now, Silas wasn’t much of a warrior, but that wasn’t to say he couldn’t handle himself. Life on the ocean and working with the ships at home had built the boy rugged. His hand at weapons, however, had yet to be tested. Maybe he would be used for other things, such as reconnaissance. Time would tell, he supposed.

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