A new begaining
(( 300+ ))
Wasn't it weird, how you life could be change in the blink of an eye. You could be enjoying a swim with your family one moment and then be wandering the land looking for someone to take you in the next, but no matter how messed up your life gets it always seems to get better. Just like his life was now, he had a pack and a place to call home. He didn't have to spend all day wandering from place to place trying to find a safe place to sleep. He could just relax and help the pack, just like he use to be able to do. Now, he would still miss his family but at least now he would have the same bed each night. He looked around him taking everything in from the sound of the distant river to the soft breeze of the fresh forest air.

He then turned his gaze back to his new leader, who was now talking. He understood his leaders rush to get back to her pups and he really wasn't upset that she wouldn't be able to give him a tour of the whole territory. He could explore the territory by himself later after she showed him the mansion where most of the pack was said to mostly stay. He watched as the leader turned and walked towards the direction that he guessed the mansion was in. He quickly followed a few steps behind her listening as she told him about the caves and about the old barn that had fallen down not to long ago. He hoped that no one had gotten hurt when it had fallen down because he could guess that the pieces of the born falling down on you would more then likely leave you with some serious injury of some sort if not death.

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