Where the heart is
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;w; i replied, i sozzy. ilu?

Anatoliy let an easy smile pull at the corners of his lips. His tall, hulking mass shifted gracefully from one foot to the other as he peered up at Anann through his unusual colored eyes. Well, family wise. Those beautiful blue eyes that graced the Russo family skipped him, gracing his sister and brother instead of him. His mother gifted him with her coloration and golden coyote eyes. Yet her diminutive size did not transfer well at all, since he towered over her back home early on in his life. Tall as he was, he never made the effort to stand out in the Russo family. It was easier to be lazy and not put effort to shine in the spotlight. The background was so much prettier than being blinded by the bright lights.

As the woman confirmed what he had suspected, he shifted his gaze toward the grazing animal, watching it lip at the newly growing grass. But it still seemed to watch him back, as though he were a threat. Anatoliy made a face at the horse, trying to mock the way it vigilantly eyed him. Clearly, he loved his rider. "He is a magnificent beast." Somehow he remembered that large word, for it came to mind almost instantly and passed off his tongue automatically. Maybe this English language thing was not as hard as he once thought. All this practice was doing him some good. "He thinks I am threat, maybe?" he questioned, a very amused tone adding to his foreign lilt.

"I am Anatoliy Russo. I did not see you at ze Hotel. Do you live somevhere else?" he asked, wondering if the woman was as new as he was to the pack. The Russian leaned against the tree with his side against the engraved lines, crossing his arms across his wide chest. His head still tilted up at Anann, no hostility in his eyes. There was no need to be wary on the pack lands. Just as there had been almost no reason to be wary home at the Russo complex. But for some reason, he was told to be careful in the unclaimed lands. Was he supposed to be attacked there for wandering? Maybe that was why he stuck to his new home, however long that would last.

Table by Tammi

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