Looking for special things inside of me
OOC: table code, image, and Filler © James; 381 words; Sorry, life has been hectic

Ember should congratulate herself for being able to handle Lotus. No doubt he could be a handful at times with the way that he chose to run off without giving warning first. Often he would stay away all day and get back right as it started to turn dark. That really was enough to give any mother a heart attack. Not knowing where their child was or what could have happened to them. But Ember was doing a mighty fine job. Especially when playing to Lotus’s quirks. She had even brought back toys that he was sure to love. Made sure to use the appropriate names. If Ember could handle him then Ember could handle any pup. Especially since it didn’t seem as if would be likely that Lotus would grow out of his quirks.

The pup found himself eagerly waiting to get into the box after he was told what waited inside just for him. He wanted to see the sorts of things that his mother had found and brought back for him. And from the sounds of it they were things that he would absolutely love. But really, Ember didn’t have to worry about Lotus too much. He always found ways to entertain himself when she wasn’t around. Quite usually that was by wandering away and searching out the stretches of land that AniWaya had laid claim to. So even without toys he had something to do. But with toys he was likely to stay at the den a bit longer. At least until he grew bored of those and wanted to explore again.

Out of the items that were spilled on the ground Lotus dug out a floppy eared bunny. One of the ears was taken into his mouth so that he could separate it from the rest of the pile. Once he had the stuffed animal free and by itself he rubbed his head against it in a loving manner. Leaving the bunny where it was little Lotus moved back over to his Mommy to nuzzle his head against her leg. “Thank you Mommy. I really think these toys.” Tail wagged happily as he headed back over to the bunny so that he could drag it over to Ember. “I really like her. What is her name?”


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