New guy
Hey! Howyadoing? Big Grin I'm Sie, I play Kaena Lykoi here as my primary and two other characters as my secondaries. 8D

I've read over your profile--sounds good! I like the backstory you've given him, it seems like he's a bit of a jester and a joker from his personality. 8D There's nothing I see in there that needs to be changed or seems unrealistic or anything like that--looks really good. ^_^

As for what to do next... hmhmhm. I would probably read a little bit on the Roleplay Guide, specifically the stuff about our werewolves, the Luperci. Tynan is not a Luperci, according to your profile, which is perfectly acceptable, but you might want to learn about our werewolves for your own purposes, in case later you would like for Tynan to become one. Most characters here are Luperci, so it is interesting to us when a non-Luperci character comes wandering along. Big Grin

I'm assuming you've already read over the help topics like the plot, the rules, and our joining information, right? If not, I would definitely go back and read over those. You don't have to remember everything, there's no "membership test" or anything like that, but it's still good to have a basic handle over these things. You can always refer back to the pages if you forget, of course--that's why they're there. ^_^

If you feel like you've fleshed out your character sufficiently and read over these help topics, you can focus on the joining part. I've already linked you to the related help topic, but I'll break it down here for you a little too.

- You can either join as a lone wolf or a pack wolf. Joining as a loner and picking a pack later is fine if you want, picking a pack and later becoming a loner or switching is also fine. Don't worry that once you've picked a place you're permanently tethered to it; you can always leave your pack and join another one later or become a lone wolf. We discourage rampant switching, but you are allowed to bring your character where you please. Smile

- Our current packs are Inferni, Dahlia de Mai, Phoenix Valley, Crimson Dreams, AniWaya, and Cour des Miracles. Inferni only allows characters 25%+ coyote, though, so we can eliminate that one right off the bat (unless you want to edit Tynan's profile to make him a coyote hybrid, which is also fine XD). As far as the differences in packs go... well, they're subtle. All of them offer the same basic perks--e.g., pack games where you can earn titles, icons, etc; good leadership; rank opportunities, and so on and so forth. The differences are more or less in each pack's personality.

- You can either join OOC or IC. I recommend most new roleplayers or new players at 'Souls try to join In Character for their first time, since it helps the leaders identify areas where you may not fully understand the game, but of course this is impossible for lone wolves. Tongue The joining form is found on the joining help topic.

Buuuuh. I think that about covers it. If you have any specific questions, keep posting here, or you can contact me on messenger. I have AIM (the sleepy glow), YIM (zer0zer0129) and MSN ("> and I'm more than willing to sit with you and walk you through things or answer questions for you. Big Grin

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