like a river runs to the sea
He set his sword down in the boat as he untied the rope holding the vessel to the dock. He hopped in himself, grabbing the rope and pulled on it to unroll the sail. In a moment as the wind caught the sail, the boat started to move towards the islands. "From how fast we are going, well be there in about ten minutes." he said as he sat down on the seat part of the boat, moving his sword close to him.

he looked to Xeris as she was still standing. "While we wait, I suppose we can chat along," he said smiling. He never really had anything to talk about to her, but she probably did. Pendzez never really heard much about her old pack, but he didn't want her to feel upset from it. All he heard that her father kicked her out for being a Luperci, but there had been more to it, he was sure, but he kept his mouth shut about it. "Have I been teaching you Japanese, lately?" Japanese was the next thing that came into mind.

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